Home :: Nails :: False Nails :: W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs) (ATN) (£1.70/each) (0213) A/90a

W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs) (ATN) (£1.70/each) (0213) A/90a

W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs) (ATN) (£1.70/each) (0213) A/90a
W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs) W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs)
1.00 kg
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Our price:
£10.20 (11.35)

W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs)

False Nails from W7. W7's 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips are sold in retail packs of 6pcs.

Description from W7: 

Select the correct size tip for each finger, If needed file sides of nails for a correct fit place in seqence. Holding artificial nail by numbered edge apply glue onto the back area where it will come in contact with your natural nail. Apply a layer of nail glue onto natural nail. Be sure to apply enough glue for proper adhesion. Hold firmly until set. Shape & file to desire length.

How To Remove:

  1. Trim off as much artifical tip as possible.
  2. File surface and soak artifical nail in 5-minute intervals in an acetate-based nail polish remover until soft.
  3. Wipe off soften plastic and glue with paper towel, repeat process until all plastic and glue residue is gone. 

Each pack contains 200x Nail Tips (Square), with 10 Different Sizes

W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs) - Wholesale Pack

  • Cosmetic Brand: W7
  • Cosmetic Range: So Natural
  • Cosmetic Type: False nails, Nail Products
  • Size: 200 Nail Tips
  • Packaging: Boxed
  • Wholesale Pack: 6x Set
  • Minimum Wholesale Quantity: 1

Price for 6pcs.

RRP £/each

Search Terms: W7 Cosmetics, W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs), False nails

Tags: #SCS09074 Nails > False Nails W7 200 So Natural False Nail Acrylic Tips (6pcs) (ATN) (£1.70/each) (0213) A/90a by W7
Product GTIN: 05056369110206 https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/w7atn.jpg https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/200NailTipsSoNatural2.jpg
  10.20 GBP ~ New Available online and in stock. 2025-03-16
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