Home :: Sales :: 50p And Under :: Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) (Options) LILYZ/27

Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) (Options) LILYZ/27

Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) (Options) LILYZ/27
Blue Black Lilac Light Blue Powder Blue
0.20 kg
HS Code
Country of Origin
Our price:
£16.50 (18.37)
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Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) (Options)

Eyeliner Pencil from Lilyz Cosmetics. Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil is sold in retail packs of 24 pieces.


Options: Blue, Black, Lilac, Powder Blue, Light Blue.


Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) - Wholesale Pack

  • Cosmetic Brand: Lilyz Cosmetics
  • Cosmetic Range: Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil
  • Cosmetic Type: Eye Pencil, Eye Make-Up
  • Size: n/a
  • Packaging: Boxed
  • Wholesale Pack: 24x Pencil
  • Minimum Wholesale Quantity: 1

Price for 24pcs

0.52p each

RRP £/each

Search Terms: Lilyz Cosmetics, Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs), Eye Pencil, Eye Make-Up.

Tags: #SCS39272 Sales > 50p And Under Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) (Options) LILYZ/27 by Lilyz https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/SCS39272_001.jpg https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/SCS39272_002.jpg https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/IMG_8584.jpg https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/IMG_8585.jpg https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/IMG_8586.jpg
  16.50 GBP ~ New Available online and in stock. 2025-03-13
  Lilyz Waterproof Twist Eyeliner Pencil (24pcs) Eyeliner Pencil from Lilyz Cosmetics (#39272) 0.49p each Price for 24pcs RRP
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