Home :: Skin Care :: Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml (88430) (1129) BF 47

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml (88430) (1129) BF 47

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml (88430) (1129) BF 47
Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml
0.20 kg
HS Code
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Our price:
£0.95 (1.06)

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml 


Facial Scrub from Beauty Formulas. Beauty Formulas' Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml is sold individually.

Description from Beauty Formulas: 

Beauty Formulas Tee Tree Oil originates from Australia. It is a natural antibacterial agent believed to have a number of beneficial effects and antisepctic properties.  An invigorating deep cleansing facial scrub to help skin clear of blackheads, unblock pores, and remove dead skin cells. actively cleanses the skin to remove dirt, oil and the impurities that can block pores. Cleanses deep down with the stimulating benefit of tea tree to refresh and revive the skin. Active cleansing for clean healthy skin. Suitable for all skin types.

Please note this product has multi-lingual packaging!

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml - Wholesale Pack

  • Pharmaceutical Brand: Beauty Formulas
  • Pharmaceutical Range: Tea Tree
  • Pharmaceutical Type: Facial Scrub, Skin Care
  • Size: 150ml
  • Packaging: Loose
  • Wholesale Pack: 1 x Bottle
  • Minimum Wholesale Quantity: 1

Price for each.

RRP £5.99/each

Search Terms: Beauty Formulas , Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml, Facial Scrub, Skin Care, Personal Care.

Tags: #SCS07796 Skin Care Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blackhead Clearing Facial Scrub - 150ml (88430) (1129) BF 47 by Beauty Formulas
Product GTIN: 5012251011129 https://www.shure-cosmetics.co.uk/images/D/teatreefacialscrub.jpg
  0.95 GBP ~ New Available online and in stock. 2025-03-17
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